In addition to textual resources, you may need to find images to support your research process. While Google Image Search can be a useful tool, it is important to make sure you are finding good-quality files with complete, reliable associated information (metadata, in library-speak).
The SMFA Library provides access to Artstor and Camio, two excellent image databases. Librarians are available to help you navigate these resources, as well as offer guidance on finding similar-quality resources on the free web.
Please feel free to get in touch with a librarian at any stage of your research process. Stop by the library (located on the third floor of the B side of the Fenway building), or get in touch directly with:
Ashley Peterson
Darin Murphy
Circulation Desk (evening and weekend contact)
Artstor hosts the Franklin Furnace Archive collection, featuring nearly 5,000 images from documented performances between 1976 and 1995. The collection is still growing and will eventially comprise over 10,000 images.
Do you know about Google Advanced Image Search? Give it a try! It's a great way to harness the power of the regular Google Image Search toward delivering quality, trustworthy results. Some tips: