In addition to textual resources, you may need to find images to support your research process. While Google Image Search can be a useful tool, it is important to make sure you are finding good-quality files with complete, reliable associated information (metadata, in library-speak).
The SMFA Library provides access to Artstor and Camio, two excellent image databases. Librarians are available to help you navigate these resources, as well as offer guidance on finding similar-quality resources on the free web.
Please feel free to get in touch with a librarian at any stage of your research process. Stop by the library (located on the third floor of the B side of the Fenway building), or get in touch directly with:
Ashley Peterson
Darin Murphy
Circulation Desk (evening and weekend contact)
Do you know about Google Advanced Image Search? Give it a try! It's a great way to harness the power of the regular Google Image Search toward delivering quality, trustworthy results. Some tips: