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Searching as Serendipitous Exploration: Information and Visual Literacy in Studio Art Courses: Welcome

Presentation Information

Searching as Serendipitous Exploration: Information and Visual Literacy in Studio Art Courses
Presented by Ashley Peterson and Darin Murphy
ARLIS/NA + VRA Joint Conference | March 8-12, 2016 | Seattle, Washington

This presentation includes:

  • A case study examining how the Library at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston approaches information and visual literacy education in studio art courses, specifically through our work with Kendall Reiss's MTL 3002: Advanced Jewelry Studio/Seminar, taught during the spring 2016 semester
  • The theoretical context that informs our approach, which includes the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, researched and observed knowledge of artists’ information-seeking behavior, and examinations of browsing and serendipitous discovery in the research process

Presentation slides can be viewed here.

Advanced Jewelry Seminar Course Documents

These documents were created by Kendall Reiss to support the course MTL 3002: Advanced Jewelry Studio/Seminar, taught during the spring 2016 semester at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Further Reading

Agarwal, Naresh Kumar. "Towards a Definition of Serendipity in Information Behaviour." Information Research 20, no. 3 (September 2015). 

Garcia, Larissa, and Jessica Labatte. 2015. “Threshold Concepts as Metaphors for the Creative Process: Adapting the Framework for Information Literacy to Studio Art Classes”. Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 34, no. 2 (fall 2015): 235–48. 

Hemmig, William S. "The information-seeking behavior of visual artists: a literature review." Journal Of Documentation 64, no. 3 (May 2008): 343-362. 

Mak, Bonnie, and Julia Pollack. “The Performance and Practice of Research in a Cabinet of Curiosity: The Library's Dead Time”. Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 32, no. 2 (fall 2013): 202–21. 

Agarwal, Naresh Kumar. "Towards a Definition of Serendipity in Information Behaviour." Information Research 20, no. 3 (September 2015). 

Aurand, Martin. "Teaching and Learning with Collections: The Library as a Site for Exploration and Inspiration." Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America. 30, no. 1 (spring 2011): 12-20.

Bennett, Hannah. "Bringing the studio into the library: Addressing the research needs of studio art and architecture students." Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 25, no. 1 (2006): 38-42.

Carr-Harris, Ian, Lisa Steele, David Poolman, Adam Lauder, Eric Schwab, Amy Marshall Furness, Effie Patelos, and Tammy Moorse. "Research Intersections within Practice: Artists and Librarians." panel discussion sponsored by the Art Libraries Society of North America–Ontario Chapter presented at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario (2011).

Cowan, Sandra. "Informing Visual Poetry: Information Needs and Sources of Artists.Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 23, no. 2 (fall 2004): 14-20.

Garcia, Larissa, and Jessica Labatte. 2015. “Threshold Concepts as Metaphors for the Creative Process: Adapting the Framework for Information Literacy to Studio Art Classes.” Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 34, no. 2 (fall 2015): 235–48. 

Gatten, Jeff and Mike Bryant. "Rock the CASBAHCalArts' Student Behaviors and Habits."  Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America. 29, no. 2 (fall 2010): 63-69.

Hemmig, William S. "An empirical study of the information-seeking behavior of practicing visual artists." Journal Of Documentation 65, no. 4 (July 2009): 682-703. 

Hemmig, William S. "The information-seeking behavior of visual artists: a literature review." Journal Of Documentation 64, no. 3 (May 2008): 343-362. 

JoransonKate M., Steve I. VanTuyl and Nina Clements. "E-Browsing: Serendipity and Questions of Access and Discovery" (2013). Proceedings of the Charleston Library Conference, Charleston, SCDOI: 10.5703/1288284315272.

Larkin, Catherine. "Looking to the Future While Learning from the Past: Information Seeking in the Visual Arts."  Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 29, no. 1 (spring 2010): 49-60.

LeousisKasia. "Outreach to Artists: Supporting the Development of a Research Culture for Master of Fine Arts Students."  Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 32, no. 1 (Spring 2013): 127-137.

Lo, Patrick, and Wilson Chu. "Information for Inspiration: Understanding Information-Seeking Behaviour and Library Usage of Students at the Hong Kong Design Institute." Australian Academic & Research Libraries 46, no. 2 (June 2015): 101-120. 

Mak, Bonnie, and Julia Pollack. “The Performance and Practice of Research in a Cabinet of Curiosity: The Library's Dead Time”. Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 32, no. 2 (fall 2013): 202–21. 

Payne, Daniel. "Exhibiting information literacy: site-specific art and design interventions at the Ontario College of Art & Design." Art Libraries Journal 33, no. 1 (2008): 35.

Robertson, E. Bruce. "Curiosity Cabinets, Museums, and Universities." In Cabinet of Curiosities: Mark Dion and the University as Installation, by Mark Dion and Colleen J. Sheehy, 43-54. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2006.

Robinson, Shannon Marie. "From Hieroglyphs to Hashtags: The Information-Seeking Behaviors of Contemporary Egyptian Artists." Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 33, no. 1 (spring 2014): 107-118



Ashley Peterson: aepeterson[@]

Darin Murphy: dmurphy[@]

Kendall Reiss: kendallreiss[@]



