A keyword search will give you results where your search terms appear anywhere in the record (title, author, subject, description, etc.). This is usually the best option for searching.
Select title search if you are sure of the title you are looking for
Select author to see all titles in the FLO library collections by a specific person
A subject search will show all FLO titles on a given subject. The subject headings are defined by the Library of Congress; you might try finding a term in their subject headings database before plugging it into the FLO catalog.
While the Library provides access to a growing number of e-book titles, a significant portion of our collection is print-based. Art books in particular are largely unavailable in e-book format, while the latest print volumes generally contain large, high-quality images that are difficult to find online.
Books in the SMFA Library are arranged by Library of Congress call numbers that correspond to specific subject headings. For example, the book The World Atlas of Street Art and Graffiti has the call number ND2590 .S34 2013. The first part, ND2590, refers to the subject "Urban art & graffiti." If you were to find this book on the Library's shelves, the other volumes surrounding it would address similar topics.
We are always adding titles to our print book collection and have an ever-changing selection on our New Books shelves. Browsing the SMFA Library is never the same experience twice!
Please feel free to get in touch with a librarian at absolutely any stage of your research process.
We encourage you to schedule a research consultation with Ashley Peterson (apeterson@smfa.edu, 617-369-3653) for an in-depth discussion about your research goals.
For quicker questions, please feel free to stop by the Library's front desk (located on the third floor of the B side of the Fenway building). You can also email or call the front desk at library@smfa.edu/617-369-3650.
If you can't find what you need at the SMFA Library, we may be able to obtain a copy for you elsewhere.
Visit our Interlibrary Loan page, or contact Lauren Kimball-Brown for more information: